React Native: Useful resources

Claudia Aguilar, Partner, Software Engineer
Claudia Aguilar  
React Native

Icons List #

Import them import * as Icon from '@expo/vector-icons';

You can use dif­fer­ent icons libraries like FontAwe­some, Ion­i­cons, Foun­da­tion, and more

Use them <Icon.FontAwesome name="check-circle" color="#fff" />

More info

Expo CLI #

Use it for run­ning your app and deploy­ing to devices or App Store in a much eas­i­er way!

Most used commands

  • expo start — Starts or restarts a local serv­er for your app and gives you a URL to it
  • expo ios — Opens your app in Expo in an iOS sim­u­la­tor on your computer
  • expo build:ios — Build a stand­alone IPA for your project, signed and ready for sub­mis­sion to the Apple App Store.
  • expo:upload:ios — Uploads a stand­alone app to Apple Test­Flight (works on macOS only). Uploads the lat­est build by default.

When to use #

  • this.appPaused=true — When a vari­able is not dis­played under render() but it changes dur­ing the tran­si­tion of the app.
  • this.setState({ timer:timer++}) — When a vari­able is dis­played under render() and is con­stant­ly changing.

Sub­mit­ting to the App Store #

When you sub­mit to the app store, be aware that Seg­ment col­lects the IDFA for use in doing mobile install attri­bu­tion with inte­gra­tions like Mobile App Track­ing. Even if you’re not cur­rent­ly doing mobile install attri­bu­tion, if you get asked, Does this app use the Adver­tis­ing Iden­ti­fi­er (IDFA)?” on this page, you’ll want to check the fol­low­ing three boxes:

  1. Attribute this app instal­la­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly served advertisement”
  2. Attribute an action tak­en with­in this app to a pre­vi­ous­ly served advertisement”
  3. I, YOUR_NAME, con­firm that this app, and any third party…”

Local­iza­tion #


Upload­ing app to itunes con­nect #

https://​docs​.expo​.io/​d​i​s​t​r​i​b​u​t​i​o​n​/​a​p​p​-​s​t​ores/ https://​docs​.expo​.io/​d​i​s​t​r​i​b​u​t​i​o​n​/​u​p​l​o​a​d​i​n​g​-​apps/

Claudia Aguilar

Partner, Software Engineer